A few factors are contributing to the shortage firstly that the increase in demand has increased 3-4 fold since the war and these two nations are the highest producers of the product and food manufacturing has been quick to buy up all the available stock this has put extra pressure on other smaller markets that produce the product then adding extra cost to the raw material. We have secured a new source for our stock however we don't have access to new crops until later this year.
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GMO Free product
Origin: United States - Lecithin is a fat that is essential in the cells of the body. It can be found in many foods, including soybeans and egg yolks. Lecithin is taken as a medicine and is also used in the manufacturing of medicines. Lecithin is used for treating memory disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It is also used for treating gallbladder disease, liver disease, certain types of depression, high cholesterol, anxiety, and a skin disease called eczema. Some people apply lecithin to the skin as a moisturizer. You will often see lecithin as a food additive. It is used to keep certain ingredients from separating out. You may also see lecithin as an ingredient in some eye medicines. It is used to help keep the medicine in contact with the eye’s cornea.