A few factors are contributing to the shortage firstly that the increase in demand has increased 3-4 fold since the war and these two nations are the highest producers of the product and food manufacturing has been quick to buy up all the available stock this has put extra pressure on other smaller markets that produce the product then adding extra cost to the raw material. We have secured a new source for our stock however we don't have access to new crops until later this year.
An article that might be of interest for you and your client;
Lower Cholesterol and Reduced Risk of Heart Disease
Lecithin made from soy reduces "bad"LDL Cholesterol and may also raise "good" HDL Cholesterol. Less LDL cholesterol can mean less fatty plaque buildup in your arteries and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, while HDL cholesterol helps to carry away LDL cholesterol and plaque to the liver for processing, reducing the risk of blockages.
Soy Lecithin, is commonly used to hold emulsions together. Lecithin is a very common ingredient in packaged foods because it is such a great emulsifier and used as a stabiliser. In modern styles of cooking it is often used to hold vinaigrettes together, create light foams and airs, and add elasticity and moisture tolerance to doughs.