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Devils Claw Powder

BOTANICAL: harpagonphytum procumbens/zeyheri

Harpagophytum procumbens

Devil's claw is approved as a nonprescription medicine by the German Commission E and is used to relieve arthritis, lower back, knee and hip pain. It is also used to treat a number of ailments including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, bursitis, tendonitis, loss of appetite and digestive disorders.

Great news for pain sufferers who have grown dependent on pain killers for relief: recently published double blind studies have shown that Devil's Claw can relieve pain from arthritis in as little as ten days of use, lower back, knee and hip pain included. It is also used to treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, bursitis, tendonitis and soft tissue pain (muscle aches).




Actions: Analgesic, Anodyne, Anti-inflammatory, Antirheumatic, Bitter, Diuretic, Sedative.

Usages: For arthritis, rheumatism, degenerative joint disorder (DJD) and to reduce inflammation and pain.  Devils Claw is now looked upon as a natural alternative to Phenylbutazone (Bute) and Cortisone, since it has similar actions. There are no apparent adverse side effects. Many companies now produce Devils Claw in a liquid form often with other ingredients. As in all products, some are better than others. Devils Claw is a uterine stimulant and should not be fed to pregnant mares.


Devils Claw Powder

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Devils Claw Powder


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